
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Brotherly Agreement.....of the Moravian Church

I'm presently reading The Forgotten Ways, (Hirsch, 2006) and the author made a comment about Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian church. He was referencing a spiritual renewal movement borne out of unity that occurred in 1727, and it piqued my interest enough that I went "googling" this morning. What I found was fascinating, at least to me! I have long wondered how the church of Christ on Earth, in all it's varied and wondrous forms, truly achieves unity and what would happen when that unity is actually achieved (and considering Jesus prayed for our unity His last night on Earth, it will indeed be achieved)! The story of the Moravians and Count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf gives us a unique view into the possibilities. I'll reference some websites later, but first, some quick background. John Hus (1369 - July 6, 1415), was a Czech priest and philosopher who proclaimed his protest against untrue doctrines of the Roman Catholic church more than a century before Mart...

Sobering Thoughts

I had a hard time sleeping last night, thinking about the things that sin does in us. It is a sobering thought and while I think I understand that we who believe, and are adopted as children of God, stand holy and blameless in His sight, I am still very much aware of the power of sin in us. In me. Paul was too. He talked about sin and the war that raged in us, the corruption and deception that we allow ourselves to be in on account of sin and the things we like about sin. When I reflect on how sin has the potential to destroy, and kill and rip asunder, and for these reasons we are admonished to flee from it, and yet see people choose to become entrenched it, I feel sad and I wonder "why?". What entraps them to choose a life in sin when they know better? It seems the thing that entraps them is their inability to surrender themselves as living sacrifices, and instead, demand to continue living for themselves, despite the fact that Jesus Christ purchased them with Hi...