Hiking as a Metaphor for Marriage
Just over a year ago Jim and I took up hiking. Prior to that, we did not do an awful lot together. He liked to golf with his best friend, and I liked to read and study, and that's just the way things were. We spent some time together going out for the occasional dinner but did not enjoy a hobby together, unless you count all the years of watching the kids play ball. After the kids became adults, and we no longer had the common activity of parenting to keep us connected, I recall hoping and praying that somehow we could find something, anything, to re-discover what drew us to each other in the first place. Life can get like that. Careers, children, bills, responsibilities and exhaustion all conspiring together to make true intimate relationship scarce. So sans kids, he spent his free time on the golf course while I spent mine shopping, working, reading or watching TV. I remember well when we started ...