The Human Heart
There's a reason only God can search out and transform the human heart. While we try to search out and discern the condition of our own hearts, it's futile, mostly because of our tendency to justify what we find in there. Therein lies the deception, and why the Word says that the human heart is deceitful above all things. When I search out my heart, find something there I don't like, it's easy for me to justify why it's there, why I need it, why it does me well to keep it. It is easy to believe my own justification because then it allows me to keep the thing I found, and it is that justification that deceives me. For this reason I am so very grateful for my Father who puts His finger on my heart, touches the thing that He wants to change, and opens my eyes to the justifications that would deceive me. He truly is a loving, caring Father, always intent on de-cluttering the crap that I have become complacent ...