Kingdom Come?
You ever get a single thought that pops into your head during the most mundane task, and suddenly you're downloading an entire theme seemingly out of no where? This morning, while coiffing for church, the idea of a king's court popped into my head... followed by a barrage of thoughts that suggested today's present way of gathering for church emerged directly out of the king and court culture of Christendom, and beyond. Hope you can track with me here... Picture today's typical evangelical church. There's a head pastor, surrounded by a team of associates, surrounded by a team of elders and/or board members, surrounded by a team of engaged, involved volunteers and supportive members, surrounded by church-goers, the common folk who remain, for the most part, relatively disengaged, more like spectators in an audience. Generally speaking, evangelicalism emerged out of the Reformation. Picture yesteryear's typical European country where the Reformatio...