Disturbance in Creation
Have you been feeling it, this disturbance in Creation? Things are unsettled. Think back to December 2019, when we first heard about a strange new virus on the other side of the world and fast forward to today. All that has happened in between? Covid and variants, waves 1 thru to 4, where we're at now in my little of the corner of the world But there's also polarization over politics, left v right; over masks, for v against; over vaccines, yes v no over refugees, let them in v keep them out over race, critical race theory v no such thing as white privilege over faith, Christian nationalism, civic religion v deconstructed spirituality, contemplative ways And somehow it's all become conflated. Then there are the children; they have found children's graves at - so far 3 - residential schools in Canada and there will be more. Painful as this is, the torch of justice and the spirit of reconciliation have been...