We went out to the wilderness about an hour or so east of us yesterday. We wandered thru one hundred year old tunnels, an old growth forest, and watched salmon in a crazy fast river stopped in a pool, resting. It was quite the sight actually. A clump of about 2 dozen or so salmon, all stopped, side by side, gathering their strength for the next set of crazy, high, fast, rapids that were only about 25 yards upstream from them. We waited and waited to see them attempt the falls, and gave up waiting, on account that they were resting longer than we were prepared to wait. (there's a lesson in there too I think) Walking further on downstream from the resting salmon, we came upon another set of fast rapids, over jagged, ragged, rocks, and I thought, "yeah, no wonder they're having to rest". Not only had they come thru some dangerous, and exhausting rapids, but they had an even larger rapids and falls still to get through. But before the attempt, they were quietly...