Unpacking Anger
Harkening back to a post from several months ago on anger, I continue to be amazed that so many people blame their anger on others. Here is a test...if you are wondering whether or not you truly take responsibility for your own anger, check out how you excuse anger. If you use statements like "It's just something that comes over me", or "It makes me so anger when you do that...", or "It's something I can't control it" ..then there is a pretty good chance you don't take ownership of your own anger. Dissociating yourself from your anger and making anger an it suggests that you do not see the responsibility that is yours alone to own. Imagine the power of change that would come from saying instead, "I let my anger come over me" or "I allow my anger to overwhelm me when I see you do that" or "It's like I can't control my anger". The sooner we own the emotions we feel, the more empowered we are to...