Speaking of specks....
...have you ever wondered at the size of a speck? ...ever thought about the part of the body a speck is in? ...would you allow someone with long nails to remove it? ...would you let someone with a big, open mouth and bad breath get close enough to remove it? ...would you allow someone who you hardly know get close enough to remove yours? Metaphorically speaking, if I had a speck in my eye (and trust me, there's a floater in there all the time) I would want someone I know very well and trust even better to remove it. Someone without claws. Someone who I like and love enough that they can get right up close in my face, bending over me, mere inches away, to remove the speck, and who wouldn't use their open big mouth and bad gossipy breath to talk about it with others afterwards. Someone I'm geniunely close with. You can't remove a speck from a safe distance. You have to get really, really close in, to see it, then y...