
Showing posts from January, 2013

Another Thread in the Quilt

Following on the metaphor that our lives are a patchwork quilt, it seems to me that when we turn and look at the patchs that have already unfolded, we begin to see patterns.  Events, circumstances, words, deeds, people, et al that were lessons or threads or patchs of material that went into the making of our quilt.  And often we see how those previous patchs influence us today. Take being an adjuster for instance...I deal with all sorts of people, from all walks of life, in every socio-economical sphere, in every nation, creed and colour...and I love it.  The favourite part of my job is sitting at the kitchen table with someone new to Canada and asking them to tell me their story.  While I appreciate the differences in cultures,  at the end of the day, I value each and every person I meet and can say that I have never had a racist or bias bone in my body.   I've always made a point to learn about someone's culture, and unpack...

Break my Heart for What Breaks Your's

Mercy Me have a rendition of Hosanna with a stanza that I've made my prayer. Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like you have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Your's Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause As I walk from earth into eternity Sometimes you have to be careful what you pray for. This morning, as I was getting ready to leave for MissionsFest, I prayed that God would show me where, how, what He would have me involved in and with.  This afternoon, as we meandered thru the exhibits, I had a sense that if there was something God wanted me involved in and with, it would be made obvious.  Well it was... First, I approached a booth for PureLoveNow and saw the words "rescue", "African", "child prostitutes" and froze; then as I listened to the founder tell me how in 2011 she had a dream, my heart started breaking.  In the dream a young Kenyan girl named Sarah aske...