Break my Heart for What Breaks Your's
Mercy Me have a rendition of Hosanna with a stanza that I've made my prayer.
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Your's
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
Sometimes you have to be careful what you pray for.
This morning, as I was getting ready to leave for MissionsFest, I prayed that God would show me where, how, what He would have me involved in and with.
This afternoon, as we meandered thru the exhibits, I had a sense that if there was something God wanted me involved in and with, it would be made obvious.
Well it was...
First, I approached a booth for PureLoveNow and saw the words "rescue", "African", "child prostitutes" and froze; then as I listened to the founder tell me how in 2011 she had a dream, my heart started breaking. In the dream a young Kenyan girl named Sarah asked her to come and help her. Following the dream, the founder went to Kenya, found a child prostitute named Sarah and started her ministry of rescuing child prostitutes. So what does this have to do with me, and conflict resolution, and all that good stuff about traumatization I've been learning? I haven't a clue...all I know is that I started crying, right then, right there, in the middle of row P, at Canada Place, in MissionsFest. It was embarrassing, but it's also how God makes sure He has my attention.
The founder said they need help, particularly in the area of traumatization, and yes, even conflict. I don't want to to get ahead of God so won't read in to this something that may or may not be, but I will say that I will be supporting them financially and putting the word out as much as I can about this little, one year old ministry founded by a 20 something year old girl whose heart broke for what breaks God's.
But that's not all....
Then we went by the TWU booth and a beautiful woman standing there caught my eye. I smiled and said I just went thru their adult degree completion program. She commented how she just finished their MA Lead program. She asked me why I don't come into the MA lead program and I told her I was in an MA Conflict program and she said "Oh, I could use some of that, I'm from Rwanda". It was one of those moments where you think you're seriously being, TWO divine appointments in one day? I told her how my heart had been breaking for Rwanda ever since I heard of the genocide, and that my hope and prayer is that I get to go there and see and learn how God is reconciling the Rwandan people. She smiled and said "I'll take you there, we need help, the reconciliation is all good but we still need so much help, we need people to teach our pastors, and churchs". She gave me her card...she too is a founder of a ministry. It's called Grace Rwanda, not even a year old yet. She lives in Langley and we're having coffee.
But that's not all...
After that I went to find Jim at the book table, and told him all about the lady from Rwanda I had just met; I used words like "conflict" and "restorative work" and he smiled, said cool and we started walking away. Then I heard a woman's voice behind me say "excuse me, did I hear you just talking about conflict?". I turned and said yes, and another beautiful woman was standing there. I had met her before, years ago, at an Outreach Canada prayer session where several believers were trying to figure out how to create a network of Christian mediators. She just finished her MA Conflict, was at the JI taking mediation training and had no clue whatsoever what to do with it. She said exactly what I've said so many times..."I don't know what God has in mind for all this, all I know is that He told me to go get training in conflict but what comes next?" We exchanged information and are having coffee too.
Three divine appointments. Three woman who no doubt prayed "thy will be done" or "break my heart for what breaks Yours", or "all I am for Your kingdom's cause". Three woman who stepped out in obediance, answering a call in a dream, a call to get equipped, a call to "go", all without knowing how, when, where, why or even what, except the first step.
I've come to believe that when we decide to live a surrendered life, it, like a patch work quilt, unfolds before us, one square at a time. We see the patch work already revealed...our past, the things we went thru to teach, mold and conform us that brought us here; once we are here, we get to see the patch we're standing on, and the next patch onto which we step...and that's it. We don't get to see two, three or ten patches ahead and we certainly don't get to see the finished quilt until the end, as we "walk from earth into eternity". But if we are being true and follow thru when we pray "all I am for Your kingdom cause" , you can bet your bottom dollar, the quilt will be very, exquisitely, beautiful.
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Your's
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
Sometimes you have to be careful what you pray for.
This morning, as I was getting ready to leave for MissionsFest, I prayed that God would show me where, how, what He would have me involved in and with.
This afternoon, as we meandered thru the exhibits, I had a sense that if there was something God wanted me involved in and with, it would be made obvious.
Well it was...
First, I approached a booth for PureLoveNow and saw the words "rescue", "African", "child prostitutes" and froze; then as I listened to the founder tell me how in 2011 she had a dream, my heart started breaking. In the dream a young Kenyan girl named Sarah asked her to come and help her. Following the dream, the founder went to Kenya, found a child prostitute named Sarah and started her ministry of rescuing child prostitutes. So what does this have to do with me, and conflict resolution, and all that good stuff about traumatization I've been learning? I haven't a clue...all I know is that I started crying, right then, right there, in the middle of row P, at Canada Place, in MissionsFest. It was embarrassing, but it's also how God makes sure He has my attention.
The founder said they need help, particularly in the area of traumatization, and yes, even conflict. I don't want to to get ahead of God so won't read in to this something that may or may not be, but I will say that I will be supporting them financially and putting the word out as much as I can about this little, one year old ministry founded by a 20 something year old girl whose heart broke for what breaks God's.
But that's not all....
Then we went by the TWU booth and a beautiful woman standing there caught my eye. I smiled and said I just went thru their adult degree completion program. She commented how she just finished their MA Lead program. She asked me why I don't come into the MA lead program and I told her I was in an MA Conflict program and she said "Oh, I could use some of that, I'm from Rwanda". It was one of those moments where you think you're seriously being, TWO divine appointments in one day? I told her how my heart had been breaking for Rwanda ever since I heard of the genocide, and that my hope and prayer is that I get to go there and see and learn how God is reconciling the Rwandan people. She smiled and said "I'll take you there, we need help, the reconciliation is all good but we still need so much help, we need people to teach our pastors, and churchs". She gave me her card...she too is a founder of a ministry. It's called Grace Rwanda, not even a year old yet. She lives in Langley and we're having coffee.
But that's not all...
After that I went to find Jim at the book table, and told him all about the lady from Rwanda I had just met; I used words like "conflict" and "restorative work" and he smiled, said cool and we started walking away. Then I heard a woman's voice behind me say "excuse me, did I hear you just talking about conflict?". I turned and said yes, and another beautiful woman was standing there. I had met her before, years ago, at an Outreach Canada prayer session where several believers were trying to figure out how to create a network of Christian mediators. She just finished her MA Conflict, was at the JI taking mediation training and had no clue whatsoever what to do with it. She said exactly what I've said so many times..."I don't know what God has in mind for all this, all I know is that He told me to go get training in conflict but what comes next?" We exchanged information and are having coffee too.
Three divine appointments. Three woman who no doubt prayed "thy will be done" or "break my heart for what breaks Yours", or "all I am for Your kingdom's cause". Three woman who stepped out in obediance, answering a call in a dream, a call to get equipped, a call to "go", all without knowing how, when, where, why or even what, except the first step.
I've come to believe that when we decide to live a surrendered life, it, like a patch work quilt, unfolds before us, one square at a time. We see the patch work already revealed...our past, the things we went thru to teach, mold and conform us that brought us here; once we are here, we get to see the patch we're standing on, and the next patch onto which we step...and that's it. We don't get to see two, three or ten patches ahead and we certainly don't get to see the finished quilt until the end, as we "walk from earth into eternity". But if we are being true and follow thru when we pray "all I am for Your kingdom cause" , you can bet your bottom dollar, the quilt will be very, exquisitely, beautiful.
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