Nothing Prepares You ...
Nothing prepares you for the sudden realization that things don't always turn out the way you hoped, expected or thought you deserved. Nothing prepares you for loving a person for who they are one day, only to have to learn to love them all over again for who they are not, the next. Nothing prepares you for the unbearable idea of possibly loosing and grieving someone who is still alive, or the even more unbearable fear of wondering if they'll be alive when you come home from work today. Nothing prepares you for the utter and complete surprise of mental illness; for the chaos it brings to your marriage, for the pain of watching a loved one suffer, for the nasty voices in your own head that tell you it was your fault, for the fear and uncertainty. Maybe nothing prepares you but once you're in where you were never prepared to be, there might not be a way out, but there is a way to be there that isn't quite so hard. At least sometimes. To sound cliche, welcome ...