Encouragement ... More than Words

Flattery is telling someone what you think they want to hear in order to manipulate them to your way. Compliment is telling someone something positive about them and may or may not have self serving motives behind it. Perhaps you genuinely do think they have the best laugh or nicest smile and you simply want them to know that, no sticky motives about it. Neither of these is encouragement. Encouragement is defined as the act of giving someone support, confidence or hope. There is a strengthening component to encouragement. Someone is downcast, discouraged and about to give up and you come along with support, which strengthens their confidence and helps instill some hope in them. Renewed confidence and hope equate to courage, so in a sense, encouraging someone is giving them courage. I used to think that this sort of encouragement had to be done with words, words that spoke truth and life and went to the core of someone's soul, shining light into da...