As We Forgive
I have just finished reading one of the most powerfully impacting books I have ever read. I cried, I learned, I sat amazed and in wonder. Everything, absolutely everything, that God is about when it comes to righting wrong flies in the face of how we humans normally and naturally (on account of our fallen natures) do it. Humans hate, and want revenge, God loves, and wants forgiveness and reconciliation. It astounds me, He astounds me. His grace is indeed amazing. The book is called As We Forgive, Stories of Reconcilation from Rwanda by Catherine Claire Larson (Zondervan, 2009). I highly recommend it. This is not just a book for restorative justice advocates and practioners like me; it is a book for anyone who has been harmed or who has harmed another (and any harm will do, for all conflict that does not transform us so that we do the loving thing inevitably has and will cause harm) There was so much to take away f...