From there to here
I'm sitting in a dorm room at RRU in the 2nd residency of my master's program, taking a break from endless readings and assignment outlines. What a crazy journey this has been, getting from "there to here". The irony is that RRU is in my old neighborhood, where I grew up, where all the things that tried to interrupt or even destroy me, happened. In fact, I walked up to the old neighborhood today, stood in front of both houses, and felt this really tangible sense of triumph. If I wasn't so dignified I would have danced a jig and sang "na na na na boo boo!" From a violent, abusive past to drug addled high school drop out, to master's level student. Somewhere in there I got to find, almost lose, and then salvage a marriage to a wonderful man who, 29 years later, I still love with all my heart; raise up in a "hit and miss, did the best I could with what I had, but no excuses" sort of way, two absolutely incredible, intelligent...