From there to here
I'm sitting in a dorm room at RRU in the 2nd residency of my master's program, taking a break from endless readings and assignment outlines.
What a crazy journey this has been, getting from "there to here".
The irony is that RRU is in my old neighborhood, where I grew up, where all the things that tried to interrupt or even destroy me, happened. In fact, I walked up to the old neighborhood today, stood in front of both houses, and felt this really tangible sense of triumph. If I wasn't so dignified I would have danced a jig and sang "na na na na boo boo!"
From a violent, abusive past to drug addled high school drop out, to master's level student. Somewhere in there I got to find, almost lose, and then salvage a marriage to a wonderful man who, 29 years later, I still love with all my heart; raise up in a "hit and miss, did the best I could with what I had, but no excuses" sort of way, two absolutely incredible, intelligent and oh so complex, children whom I love more than life itself; create a very successful and rewarding career, and qualify for the "world's coolest grandma" award (according to me, of course). Looking back to there from here, I see a series of happy accidents that may not have felt like it at the time and know deep in this healed heart of mine that the God who found me was/is the Maestro who guided it all.
One of the happy accidents was reading Howard Zehr's book "Changing Lens" in 2003. The idea of restorative justice seeded and took root in me, and within a week of closing the cover, I was enrolled in my first conflict resolution course at the Justice Institute, working my way to an RJ certificate. Little did I know that would spark a passion for all things conflict transformative. Then, on the day I was driving home from the JI grad ceremony I heard an ad on the radio for the Trinity Western University adult degree completion program. Without a high school diploma, I emailed them anyway, told them my story and they enrolled me without one undergrad credit. Thirty credits for life learning, eighteen months and twelve leadership courses later, and still without my BA, I got the inkling to apply for the master's program in conflict analysis and management. My application went in March 2012, and after passing their conditional acceptance requirement (to complete an academic writing and critical thinking course with a minimum B+ ...pssst...I got an A) I started at RRU on July 13, 2012.
Having no idea what tomorrow will bring, but knowing my past is done, knowing I have prevailed, I want to get all un-dignified and silly and shout to the future..."BRING IT ON!"
God is good.
Past, present and future.
In other words, all the time.
What a crazy journey this has been, getting from "there to here".
The irony is that RRU is in my old neighborhood, where I grew up, where all the things that tried to interrupt or even destroy me, happened. In fact, I walked up to the old neighborhood today, stood in front of both houses, and felt this really tangible sense of triumph. If I wasn't so dignified I would have danced a jig and sang "na na na na boo boo!"
From a violent, abusive past to drug addled high school drop out, to master's level student. Somewhere in there I got to find, almost lose, and then salvage a marriage to a wonderful man who, 29 years later, I still love with all my heart; raise up in a "hit and miss, did the best I could with what I had, but no excuses" sort of way, two absolutely incredible, intelligent and oh so complex, children whom I love more than life itself; create a very successful and rewarding career, and qualify for the "world's coolest grandma" award (according to me, of course). Looking back to there from here, I see a series of happy accidents that may not have felt like it at the time and know deep in this healed heart of mine that the God who found me was/is the Maestro who guided it all.
One of the happy accidents was reading Howard Zehr's book "Changing Lens" in 2003. The idea of restorative justice seeded and took root in me, and within a week of closing the cover, I was enrolled in my first conflict resolution course at the Justice Institute, working my way to an RJ certificate. Little did I know that would spark a passion for all things conflict transformative. Then, on the day I was driving home from the JI grad ceremony I heard an ad on the radio for the Trinity Western University adult degree completion program. Without a high school diploma, I emailed them anyway, told them my story and they enrolled me without one undergrad credit. Thirty credits for life learning, eighteen months and twelve leadership courses later, and still without my BA, I got the inkling to apply for the master's program in conflict analysis and management. My application went in March 2012, and after passing their conditional acceptance requirement (to complete an academic writing and critical thinking course with a minimum B+ ...pssst...I got an A) I started at RRU on July 13, 2012.
Having no idea what tomorrow will bring, but knowing my past is done, knowing I have prevailed, I want to get all un-dignified and silly and shout to the future..."BRING IT ON!"
God is good.
Past, present and future.
In other words, all the time.
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