Having to make a decision. Tough work that. Particularly when the choices are equally attractive for different reasons. One choice appeals to the head with it's logic and rationality, while the other appeals to the heart, with it's compassion and need to make a difference. I've been faced with 2 very different choices these past few weeks at school. Head / heart; marketplace career / ministry vocation calling. In the midst of these choices, I've also been faced with the ease of falling back into old patterns of behaviors, because when I'm stressed, those old patterns are useful for distracting me. One option is that which I'm called to, compelled to, while the other is the "set up", the counterfeit, designed to get me out of the game. But which is which? Therein lays uncertainty. One thing I do know - it's decision time and I have to pick one and commit to it, 100% no holds barred commitment. You can't sit on two...