What's so Appealing.......
So, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning after posting my last post, with this question in my head... "what about the things you daydream as the solution to your problems, do you find so appealing?" and I thought back to the post I'd written, and particularly, the 2007 journal entry I'd made, and knew I was about to join Holy Spirit in a little unpacking. There was a time in the not so distant future that running away, just starting all over again, ALONE, was the answer to the pain I felt. Just get me out of the circumstance, and all will be well. I've learned since then that no matter where I go, there I am, and it's not the circumstance that has me in pain, it's me, my feelings, my undealt with stuff, the things that God wants to heal in me. We keep meeting the same people over and over again, and that person is you! Nothing changes until we have the courage to allow God to expose our hearts and change us from within. But I digress.... In the wee ho...