Finally...A Word for It
Watching the Republican leadership race and listening to the rhetoric of Trump and his supporters, I've been struck with a sense that there is an undercurrent of something quite distasteful in the culture of that particular demographic that I've not been able to put my finger on. It "feels" hostile, bitter, and contagious and I think I've finally stumbled upon a word that best describes it...ressentiment. Not resentment...but ressentiment, a French word that suggests a malady in the human spirit that carries with it resentment integrated with contempt, but a contemptuous resentment that is born out of frustration with self that emerges as blame towards others.
It's like an infection and has much to do with un-justified indignation that one is unable to obtain that which one envies and covets, particularly when they envy and covet from those they see as rivals.
Ressentiment convinces one that they are an underdog, especially underdog to their rival; facetiously speaking, they are justified in their resentment of everyone who is dogging them. And the rival they see through their distorted "ressentiful" lens is found everywhere; the immigrant and refugee as rival for jobs; Muslims as rivals against traditional Christian values; urban black youth as rivals against safe, crime free streets; the working poor and sick as rivals for choice in healthcare... you get the gist.
That malady of ressentiment and the envy and rivalry it contains breeds a spirit of vengeance, and in my mind, that is precisely what the rhetoric has been feeling like. As odd as it sounds, Trump and his supporters feel vengeful to me, which begs the question...IF he becomes the Republican candidate, and eventually the President , who will he/they pour their indignation out on first and what form will it take? And will they need to create for themselves even more enemies to keep the ressentiment beast fed?
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