The Road Well Travelled
There is always a way that seems right to man.
There is always a way that is unsure.
There are always questions that need asking and answers that need questioning.
And through it all, we are on a road well travelled.
We don't always see our destination; sometimes we miss the markers or due to hazards and construction, need to take detours. And still, we stay on the well travelled road.
I am staying on my well traveled road, this road I've been on for many years now, that one that has been preparing me for where I will eventually go. Having been on this road for so long, there is a real temptation to take the exit ramp to a "tourist attraction" and stop the journey for awhile, and just rest.
In hindsight and reflection, I see the offer of the restorative action position as being that "tourist attraction" and this time, at least, I'm not to take the ramp, but rather, am to stay on my well travelled road, if for just a little bit longer.
If I had my way, I would quit my job tomorrow; but I live a surrendered life, and one that yearns to honour the two who mean the most to me, my Father and my husband.
Here's the kicker; when I purposed to honour my husband, no matter what the answer, I expected to feel disappointed, or even a bit resentful (can you hear the martyr rehashing all the sacrifices?) BUT I did not. Instead I felt peace, and within days, was blessed with good news - I've been conditionally accepted into the adult degree completion program at Trinity Western University. Upon hearing that news, I knew my decision my right. This has been a long time dream and barring money falling out of the sky, had I taken the restorative action position, there is no way I could have done this.
Restorative justice is still in my blood, and I'll continue to mediate as a volunteer. Having said that, and at the risk at sounding puffed up, doing restorative action in schools is not what I'm called to do. This I know now. So what am I called to do? Well, lets see, it has something to do with God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, the ultimate reconciler, peace building, conflict transformation, the church, war zones and Africa....I think.
So for now, I'll just stay on my road well traveled and some day, some how, what will be, will be, and that's about the only thing I can be certain of.
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