This weekend I met a women who most would have labeled a crack head. She told me a story about how when she was on the street, one day she felt an overwhelming sadness and despair. She sat on the street corner at Hastings and Main and cried and cried and cried and people walked past. She said if just one person had of stopped and looked at her, seen her humanity and asked her how they could help, she would have felt like she was not so alone. Now many years later, she has found the love of God, is in recovery, and struggling to become whole again. I thanked her for honouring me, for letting me into her circle and telling me her story. From now on I will take a risk, notice and engage the people on the streets instead of walking past, shaking my head and judging that they actually want to be there or had the capacity to change if they truly wanted to. This weekend I met a man who was out on a weekend pass from his sentence....