Today's Pain

Pain.  It sucks.  And does it have a purpose?

This came to me tonight as I answered a loved one's post.

"In order to be ready for tomorrow's possibilities, we have to use today's pain to explore yesterday's promises" 

When I figure out what it means I'll  post again.   Meanwhile, here are some thoughts -  we humans tend to avoid pain like the plague.  When in pain we get busy, get distracted, fill our lives with pain numbing activity and things.  I'm convinced though - if we allow it - God wants to use it.   There is a reason He said "Be still and know I am God". He meets us in the midst of our pain and reveal to us things we never even imagined.  Why He uses pain is beyond me - perhaps it is because He knows we surrender our own control when the pain of doing it our way is finally too great?  

I do know this - of this I am certain - He is good, His purposes and plans shall never be thwarted, and at the risk of sounding trite, "All things - ALL THINGS - work together for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose".  Even in the pain.


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