A Quit or a Pause
Almost 2 years ago, when I announced I was leaving my previous career of 25 some odd years to launch my own conflict resolution practice, the cheers and congratulatory salutations were numerous and loud. I was told I was courageous, had a sure thing, and would be a resounding success. Can't count how many people told me they wished they could also leave their careers to pursue some dream...if only they were as certain about what that dream was, as I was. It was all heady stuff. Fast forward to today...having blown through the savings that was to cushion the transition, and having completed only a few trainings, arbitrations, workshops and seminars, I am going back to fulltime work in the industry that I'd left. The congratulations are sounding not so nearly as exuberant as for when I quit...at least not through the lens of what feels like a humbled and contrite heart. But gee, did I learn a lot! First, when you have a dream, go for it. That's the poi...