They Have Much to Teach Us
In 2003, while starting my training in restorative justice mediation, there was a man from South Africa in my class. He told us about the Truth and Reconciliation work that his country was doing. He did not gloss it over. He said that truth, forgiveness and reconciliation comes hard, with a price sometimes, and that there are many who do not see the value in forgiveness; they want revenge and don't want to see their enemies forgiven. This has long been the human condition, hasn't it? Jonah did not want to see God extend his Grace and Mercy to the people of Ninevah; he wanted to see those people punished. We humans have a much harder time with forgiveness then we think. While we want forgiveness and mercy for ourselves, we sometimes secretly hope that somehow it will be missed by our enemies. I was talking to my husband about this while camping this past week. We talked about how some believe that there are "some sins" that are just unforgivable. I do not bel...