Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

While I have every confidence that I would be accepted into the Masters program in conflict analysis and management at RRU, there remains this near constant desire to complete a BA.
While I believe that God can and will accomplish anything He wants with and through me when it comes to a fulltime ministry in conflict resolution, and reconciliation, there remains this thought that one needs credibility and credibility, in our culture anyway, comes with a degree.
I mean, think about it. A board of elders and a pastor are at war and along comes an ex-claims adjuster, wanting to lead them through it. Logic dictates that they would conclude that I wouldn't have much to give them. While God might dictate otherwise, it's been my experience that most people entrenched in conflict do not hear God very well. Could be one of the reasons they are so entrenched?
Ever since I started on this path in 2003 I've been wanting a degree. So, on the heels of my graduation from the JI a couple of weeks ago, I sent an email to Trinity Western. In it I made it very clear that I was an adult without even a high school diploma and asked them what are the chances of admitting me. Admittedly, I told God (perhaps I should not be TELLING God anything!) "if You don't want me to do this, let them ignore me, or email back saying no, sorry".
They emailed me alright, and then today, phoned me. Jodi and I talked for such a long time, it feels like we're fast friends now.
Did you know that one can get up to 30 credits for life, work and prior learning experience? Who knew! So, I've got a meeting with TWU on Thursday. I assembled all my certificates and diplomas, prepared an essay, and put together a "life resume" tonight, and we shall see.
Momma always said, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".
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