One day too soon...

Was having dinner with a friend last night, and as we talked about things that have been happening in my life, marriage, parenthood, etc., I made a comment to the effect that I was so thankful that I had not given up on any of them. I believe my exact words in summation were "I think too many believers give up one day too soon, maybe that's why Jesus said, live only for today". We both just sort of stopped talking at that point and pondered epiphany in process, coming live at you from a table in the Keg..."giving up one day too soon"... How many times in the anger and pain of a struggling marriage or in the fear and uncertainty of parenthood did I envision an intolerable future and come to believe words that told me if I don't make a change now, today, this minute, that future will play out. How many times did I resolve in those moments to give up, leave, quit, that's it, I'm done...only to go to bed, have sleep overtake me and wake u...