No Justification Required
We humans have a natural tendency to blame, and I've often said that our default position of defensiveness, which always includes blame, is one of the most problematic things about being human. It is my opinion that the first sin was disobediance to God; the second sin was defending that disobediance by deflecting and blaming, and this has been part of our inherited Adam DNA ever since. When God confronted Adam about his disobediance, the response He got back was " The women whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate". Adam blamed God first and then he blamed his wife. The immediate need that this sin "triggered" was a need for justification and from that moment on God's plan to atone and justify man from his sin was put into place. (Actually the word says that even before the foundation of the world, this plan was in place, but that's just way to vast a truth for me to even attempt to understand!) Suffice it to say, Jesus Chri...